
Valence/瓦朗斯 推薦酒店列表

我們可搵更多酒店 一次搜尋就能比較所有熱門的旅遊網站,搵到您的心水酒店。話咁易﹗

Le Valentia Residence Valence
A 85 accomodations residence within a contemporary style and functional design;A modern architecture, associated with an original design make Le Valentia a unique location in Valence.
From one week to several months.

Le Valentia Hotel Valence
A hotel with 27 rooms and suites, whether for one night or more;A contemporary style and functional design;A modern architecture, associated with an original design make Le Valentia a unique location in Valence

酒店鐘樓價酒店[Campanile Hotel Valence Bourg-Les-Valences]
將鐘樓倒入香格里拉大酒店,先到先得,再到HôtelCampanileréunittous lesvantage。非里約熱內盧高速公路,聖約瑟夫(Quigno)聖約瑟夫(quelqueskmmètresdu Vignoble)聖約瑟夫(St.
無論是中途停留還是參觀該地區,Campanile酒店都能滿足您的一切需求。距高速公路不遠,距聖約瑟夫(St Joseph)葡萄園僅幾公里之遙,距羅馬人,製鞋之都或Ardeche峽谷僅幾步之遙,無論您是商務旅行還是休閒度假,這都是一個完美的中途停留。