
Brest/布雷斯特 推薦酒店列表

我們可搵更多酒店 一次搜尋就能比較所有熱門的旅遊網站,搵到您的心水酒店。話咁易﹗

Best Western Les Voyageurs Hotel Brest
Best Western Les Voyageurs Hotel 位於 Brest 中心. 鄰近商店, 餐廳和車站(火車和公車). 位於 Quartz(文化和會議中心)前. 距"Océanopolis"水族館5公里.

酒店供應歐式早餐. 備有 "La Taverne de Maître Kanter" 餐廳酒吧或者傳統的 "Le Ruffe" 餐廳.


酒店提供溫馨的服務, 服務人員將竭盡全力, 給您一個舒適的住宿.

De La Paix Hotel Brest
Located in the heart of Brest, the Hotel de la Paix is the pecfect place to enjoy the Brittany attractions.

Situated in Brest city centre, the Hotel de la Paix is on the north bank and close to places of interests.

Oceania Brest Aeroport Hotel
3星級酒店鄰近機場﹐於2005年全面重新裝潢, 備有戶外游泳池, 免費停車.

Kerhuon Hotel Brest
Le Brit Hotel Restaurant Le Kerhuon, located 800 meters from the Moulin Blanc's beach and 7 km from downtown has been entirely renovated. Rooms have private bathroom, shower, WC, TV (canal+ et canal satellite), phone, internet connexion and wireless internet connexion.

Kyriad Hotel Brest


布雷斯特阿巴里斯酒店[Abalys Hotel Brest]

Appart City Residence Brest

Auberge De Keralloret Guisseny
Located in an ancient farm from where you can hear the ocean, the hotel offers 11 rooms decorated in a Pagan country style and Abers beauty.
Its florish garden is a perfect spot to relax in serenity.

Comfort Hotel Kastel Roc'h Brest
歡迎來到位于axe Brest-Quimper 的Comfort Hotel Kastel Roc'h Brest ﹐鄰近Rade de Brest & Oceanopolis﹐5分鐘可駕車到市中心。Comfort Hotel Kastel Roc'h Brest歡迎你來到寧靜及綠色地帶。

Inter Hotel Center Brest
鄰近市中心。全新裝修Center 酒店24小時歡迎您的來臨。在悠閒時間﹐你可到健身室﹐桑拿浴及按摩。午餐及晚餐可到海灘氣氛酒吧餐廳享受法式菜餚。其它服務: 所有客房有套房設施﹐客房服務﹐早餐﹐互聯網﹐免費停車場﹐機場及火車站穿梭巴士.CPL

Balladins Express Hotel Brest
The newly refurbished Balladins hotel welcomes you all year round 24 hours a day. All rooms are equipped with ensuite facilities, wireless internet access.